Europe Tour '98

Day 8 - Chartres and the Chateau Country

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Chartres Cathedral
Photo by Charlie Martin

    An early morning bus ride through the French countryside to the lovely village of Chartres started the last day.
Matt, Susan, Aaron, Mr. Berry, Spencer
Photo by Sue Oblinger

The stained glass in the cathedral dates back to the 1200's and the colors can no longer be duplicated; pictures don't really do the glass justice.
Photo by Charlie Martin

Roy, Mandy, Mrs. England
Photo by Sue Oblinger
    Once again it seemed like "Back on the bus.." came too soon. But off we went to the nearby village for lunch before visiting the actual chateau.
Doesn't that sky look familiar?

Sacre Coeur at sunset
Photo by Charlie Martin
   After a sleepy bus ride back to Paris, the group had its last dinner together, then split up for the evening. I went with the group up the hill to Sacre Coeur and the Montmartre square, where we saw the portrait painters and pickpockets hard at work, what a great night. One last metro ride back to my hotel, and Euro '98 came to an end.  
Fake picture of a calendar! But it looked just like this..

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